4 Tags Found For: “php”
Mar 9, 2018
This trick will allow you to create a Divi friendly footer (within the front-end builder) and then via a child theme modification to the footer.php file, have it echo throughout your site. <style>.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%;...
Jun 29, 2017
Due to Unix/Linux/Windows server environments, when you are editing code locally in Dreamweaver you’ll sometimes find your code double-spaced for the whole file. A quick fix is to run this find/replace command to remove the extra spaces. In Dreamweaver:...
Feb 19, 2016
One of my client’s websites requires regular updates where a “Sale” graphic is shown to visitors between certain dates. Rather than manually updating the site at those specific dates (and having to be in front of the computer on those dates) I wrote...
Jul 16, 2015
You should not be using the PHP mail function within your site as mail being sent from the server can be faulty at reaching the intended email address. In fact I’ve recently found out that there are many web hosts that in fact disable this function entirely (on...