Gabriola Graphics Blog

The Paris 2024 Pictograms of the Olympic Games

The Paris 2024 Pictograms of the Olympic Games

I like iconography, and simple clean designs. Here's a look at the new PARIS 2024 Olympic Pictograms: Visit the Paris 2024 website to see the pictograms individually: Paris 2024 - Pictograms (EN) Also see the Official PDF explaining the pictograms history: PARIS 2024...

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Full Web Page Screen Captures Natively in Chrome

Full Web Page Screen Captures Natively in Chrome

While I have been enjoying the Chrome Extension "Screenshot Easy" which allows me to capture any area on the screen, it isn't possible to capture the entire height of a webpage, only what is currently showing on your display. Here's a Chrome solution for...

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Chrome: Clear Cache Data for a specific URL

Clear Cache Data for a specific URL This method allows you to clear the Google Chrome's Cache Data for a specific URL. Press SHIFT+CTRL+I to open the Google Chrome Developer Tools panel. Go to the Network tab and select the Disable cache checkbox to enable that...

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Divi Coming Soon page plugin FREE from DiviLife

Divi Coming Soon page plugin FREE from DiviLife

This free plugin from DiviLife is wonderful. Coupled with the power of Divi's Theme Builder you can redirect visitors to a page built with Divi. The Theme Builder comes into play as you can easily remove/hide site menus or footers from your bespoke coming soon page....

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Interesting Thoughts on Smartphone Cameras Being Too Smart

Interesting Thoughts on Smartphone Cameras Being Too Smart

The future is here, right now. If you weren't aware of what AI is capable of regarding computational photography this clip will open up your mind to what's possible, what's happening, and what is coming. Interesting regardless of where you stand on "what is the best...

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Stop Divi Gallery Images From Cropping Using Functions

Currently the only options for the built-in Divi photo gallery are for "portrait" or "landscape" thumbnails, which means any aspect ratio outside of those will be cut off or cropped. The following snippet allows the thumbnail in the photo gallery to be shown in it's...

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Set Default Google Account for Managing Multiple Google Accounts

Set Default Google Account for Managing Multiple Google Accounts

  My browser start-up page recently changed so that I was automatically logged into one of my google accounts—The wrong one! I didn't know what happened, or what caused the change, but I wanted to CHANGE THINGS BACK so that I was logged into my "personal" google...

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Stop Spam from Divi Contact Form with ReCaptcha v3

Stop Spam from Divi Contact Form with ReCaptcha v3

Since Divi update 4.0.7 it is possible to natively integrate Google ReCaptcha v3 right into your contact form settings with only a few simple steps. 1. Create a google recaptcha profile for your site here —   2. After creating...

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Gravity Forms User Role Menu Restriction/Hide

Insert into your theme or child theme functions file: [code lang="php"] /* ------------------------- GRAVITY FORMS ROLES --- */ $role = get_role('editor'); $role->add_cap('gform_full_access'); add_action('admin_menu', function () { $user = new...

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Colouring Pages: Comic Book Frame Templates

Colouring Pages: Comic Book Frame Templates

Enjoy these free printable comic book pages. Download the PDF and print some or all of the pages inside. There are three different template pages. Let your imagination run wild! [button...

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Redirect Client Login to WordPress Home Page NOT to Dashboard

When I'm developing a site that is not visible to the public yet, possibly hidden behind my favourite "Coming Soon" wordpress plug-in Coming Soon Page, Under Construction & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd I will send clients the link to the site to go and evaluate...

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Get In Touch

Gabriola Graphics

My name is Kevan and in 2010 I created Gabriola Graphics. Everyday I help people with their website and graphic needs. Contact me today and I'll respond quickly to your inquiry!