10 Tags Found For: “css

Creating A Divi Child Theme

Rather than try to better Elegant Themes own guide, let me point you to their awesome article: Ultimate Guide to Creating a Divi Child Theme

Remove Divi Builder Button for WP User Role Author

To make things easier for the client hand-off, I removed the Divi builder button from the back-end, using the following code: /* Remove Divi Builder button for WP Role Author */ function my_custom_admin_head() { if ( current_user_can( 'author' )) :...

Divi Disable Slider and Gallery Slide-In Effect

On page load the Divi photo gallery and the image slider have their own automatic “slide in from left” effect. To disable this effect use the following CSS: .et_pb_slide_image, .et_pb_slide:first-child .et_pb_slide_image img.active {...

Divi Align Module to Bottom

When trying to align content to the bottom of a column, use flex. <ol> <li>Make sure your row has the <strong>equalize heights</strong> option turned ON.</li> <li>In the <strong>column</strong> you wish to align the...

The CSS Pseudo-Element :empty and Google Maps

I use Feedly.com as my RSS reader and have a good amount of content coming in there that I browse each day or so. I certainly don’t remember each and everything I read, but even skimming the content and articles means that one day when I run into a work problem,...

Using a Middot For List Style Type

I have always “not loved” the giant circle that appears by default for a list style type of “disc”. If you’d like to use a middot instead, which stands for middle-dot, change your CSS as follows: li:before { content: '\b7\a0';...

700+ Free Categorized Icons from Google

As part of Google’s Material Design Project 750 icons have just been made available for you to use in your projects. They’ve been categorized nicely and come in many flavours: SVG (24px and 48px versions) PNG (1x, 2x, 3x) CSS sprites And even hi-dpi...

Responsive Video Containers: Embedresponsively.com

Embedresponsively.com offers a simple copy/paste solution for responsive containers. See a video you want to share Copy the address bar Visit their site embedresponsively.com Paste the address Copy the code their site presents to you Here’s a screen capture of...

Invisible Elements Correctly in CSS

.element-invisible { position: absolute !important; height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px); /* IE6, IE7 */ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px); } Full credit to Jonathan Snook. His article and reasoning here:...