Gabriola Graphics Blog
Redirect Client Login to WordPress Home Page NOT to Dashboard
When I'm developing a site that is not visible to the public yet, possibly hidden behind my favourite "Coming Soon" wordpress plug-in Coming Soon Page, Under Construction & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd I will send clients the link to the site to go and evaluate...
Divi: Remove Projects From View in WordPress Admin Area
This code snippet doesn't disable Divi's own custom post type called Projects, but rather just removes it from view in the admin area. For numerous reasons you don't want to remove the Projects custom post type (screwed up templates, time outs, etc.) [code...
Creating A Divi Child Theme
Rather than try to better Elegant Themes own guide, let me point you to their awesome article: Ultimate Guide to Creating a Divi Child Theme
Kodi Sharing with Windows 10 [Solved]
We run an Android box (the Minix Neo-U1) into a TV that was gifted our way. It's been almost flawless and operates impressively as we connect wireless from some distance away. After many many months of using Kodi to connect to our Windows 10 desktop in another room in...
Remove Divi Builder Button for WP User Role Author
To make things easier for the client hand-off, I removed the Divi builder button from the back-end, using the following code: [code lang="php"] /* Remove Divi Builder button for WP Role Author */ function my_custom_admin_head() { if ( current_user_can( 'author' )) :...
Divi Disable Slider and Gallery Slide-In Effect
On page load the Divi photo gallery and the image slider have their own automatic "slide in from left" effect. To disable this effect use the following CSS: [code lang="css"].et_pb_slide_image, .et_pb_slide:first-child .et_pb_slide_image {...
Divi Friendly Global Footer
This trick will allow you to create a Divi friendly footer (within the front-end builder) and then via a child theme modification to the footer.php file, have it echo throughout your site. [code lang="html"] <style>.embed-container { position: relative;...
Divi Align Module to Bottom
When trying to align content to the bottom of a column, use flex. [code lang="html"] <ol> <li>Make sure your row has the <strong>equalize heights</strong> option turned ON.</li> <li>In the <strong>column</strong> you...
Website Copying, Mirroring and Downloading for Offline Browsing
I recently had to copy a static website for a client that no longer had access to their back-end. I used a program called HTTrack Website Copier to download the entire site locally, so that I could then upload it to a new server location. It only comes up once a year...
JAM icons has 420+ Premium Icons for Your Personal or Professional Projects
Ran across this freebie today and know how some of you can never get enough icons. Check out this nice collection put forth by Michael A. and download as CSS/FONT FILE or SVG. 420+ icons! Excerpt from the JAM icons site: Jam icons is a set of icons designed for web...
Force HTTPS But Not For Add-On Domain
Setting up a new add-on domain* for a client today and found that I could not access the new add-on domain name directly. It was appending the new add-on domain name to the root or main site url. So instead of taking the visitor to it was taking them...
Fix Dreamweaver Double-Spaced Code
Due to Unix/Linux/Windows server environments, when you are editing code locally in Dreamweaver you'll sometimes find your code double-spaced for the whole file. A quick fix is to run this find/replace command to remove the extra spaces. In Dreamweaver: Hit...