Gabriola Graphics Blog

Force HTTPS But Not For Add-On Domain

Setting up a new add-on domain* for a client today and found that I could not access the new add-on domain name directly. It was appending the new add-on domain name to the root or main site url. So instead of taking the visitor to it was taking them...

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Fix Dreamweaver Double-Spaced Code

Fix Dreamweaver Double-Spaced Code

  Due to Unix/Linux/Windows server environments, when you are editing code locally in Dreamweaver you'll sometimes find your code double-spaced for the whole file. A quick fix is to run this find/replace command to remove the extra spaces. In Dreamweaver: Hit...

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InMotion Hosting: Fix Image Upload Error for WordPress

This may be pertinent for Wordpress installs on InMotion web hosting only. I ran into an image upload error for a new Wordpress install where the only message displayed was "HTTP error". After following the usual actions of checking folder permissions, php memory...

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Get Cheaper Rechargeable Batteries From

Get Cheaper Rechargeable Batteries From

When one of my phone handsets died a few weeks back it was time to get another set of rechargeable AAA's. I say another because with three handsets in the house I've had to swap in new rechargeable batteries a few times—and I knew they were, pricey. At our local...

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Broken Images on Web Pages: Web Developer Browser Tools

Broken Images on Web Pages: Web Developer Browser Tools

Earlier today I was tasked with finding and fixing broken images on a retailer's website, where there were of course thousands of images to go through. Here's what I did to see and fix all the broken images (and the links pointing to them)... In this case all image...

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Clean Up Double Line Spacing Code View in Dreamweaver

When downloading files from your server to edit in code view in Dreamweaver you'll sometimes be looking at code that is all double spaced. You can fix this by doing a find/replace right in Dreamweaver. With the page open, hit CTRL-F and enter \n\s*\n and type...

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Facebook Page: Not Eligible To Create A Username Solution

Facebook Page: Not Eligible To Create A Username Solution

This one is going out to all those searching the Facebook help pages that really offer no help. I couldn't believe just how little help those pages and their comments/information were... especially with no Facebook representatives helping anyone! Anyways... I recently...

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The CSS Pseudo-Element :empty and Google Maps

I use as my RSS reader and have a good amount of content coming in there that I browse each day or so. I certainly don't remember each and everything I read, but even skimming the content and articles means that one day when I run into a work problem, I...

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Get In Touch

Gabriola Graphics

My name is Kevan and in 2010 I created Gabriola Graphics. Everyday I help people with their website and graphic needs. Contact me today and I'll respond quickly to your inquiry!