30 Tags Found For: “web developer”
Apr 28, 2017
This may be pertinent for WordPress installs on InMotion web hosting only. I ran into an image upload error for a new WordPress install where the only message displayed was “HTTP error”. After following the usual actions of checking folder permissions, php...
Apr 11, 2017
Whether you’re looking for one or more vector-based SVG icons for your project, Simple Icons at simpleicons.org does a fantastic job of presenting them to you with a no-nonsense and easy to use interface (single-click to download). These icons can be used on the...
Aug 16, 2016
Earlier today I was tasked with finding and fixing broken images on a retailer’s website, where there were of course thousands of images to go through. Here’s what I did to see and fix all the broken images (and the links pointing to them)… In this...
Aug 8, 2016
When downloading files from your server to edit in code view in Dreamweaver you’ll sometimes be looking at code that is all double spaced. You can fix this by doing a find/replace right in Dreamweaver. With the page open, hit CTRL-F and enter \n\s*\n and type...
Jun 30, 2016
This one is going out to all those searching the Facebook help pages that really offer no help. I couldn’t believe just how little help those pages and their comments/information were… especially with no Facebook representatives helping anyone!...
May 3, 2016
I use Feedly.com as my RSS reader and have a good amount of content coming in there that I browse each day or so. I certainly don’t remember each and everything I read, but even skimming the content and articles means that one day when I run into a work problem,...
Apr 20, 2016
This post today is not an in-depth look into using Advanced Custom Fields, or Custom Post Types, or CPT-UI. I just wanted to briefly explain the problem and then show the solution that has worked for me. The problem After setting up a new Custom Post Type (CPT) in...
Feb 19, 2016
One of my client’s websites requires regular updates where a “Sale” graphic is shown to visitors between certain dates. Rather than manually updating the site at those specific dates (and having to be in front of the computer on those dates) I wrote...
Nov 24, 2015
In October of 2014 I blogged about Google releasing 700+ free categorized icons. Well they’ve just updated their collection with an additional 96 new icons that you can use personally or commercially without attribution whatsoever. Their license (CC-BY 4.0) does...
Nov 23, 2015
I was recently creating an action in Photoshop that would alter my original JPGs and then at determined steps throughout the altering process save a JPG to certain folders on my hard drive; kind of a “save large version JPG, alter further, save medium version,...
Oct 2, 2015
Unless I’m mistaken and you don’t use the Internet much at all, YOU NEED a password manager. Here’s the gist. KeePass is free, open-source, cross-platform, light-weight password management program for Windows. If you aren’t using Windows but...
Jul 16, 2015
You should not be using the PHP mail function within your site as mail being sent from the server can be faulty at reaching the intended email address. In fact I’ve recently found out that there are many web hosts that in fact disable this function entirely (on...
Jul 3, 2015
After not being able to get Adobe Bridge to be able to view SVG’s I went in search for an alternative. For Windows, it would look to be (I didn’t spend a long time searching) the number one solution is an extension that allows your Windows Explorer...
Apr 3, 2015
These aren’t going to be terribly useful to you unless you’re a developer. A few regularly used CSS tricks: The latest clearfix method (note this is for the parent container, not the child element) .yourcontainer:after { content: ""; display:...
Jan 21, 2015
I have always “not loved” the giant circle that appears by default for a list style type of “disc”. If you’d like to use a middot instead, which stands for middle-dot, change your CSS as follows: li:before { content: '\b7\a0';...